1. Actuary of Tomorrow – Stuart A. Robertson Memorial Scholarship
Award: $9,000
Deadline: June 1
Description: Open to fill to full time students entering as a sophomore, junior, or senior at an institution in the U.S. Applicant must also have successfully completed two actuarial exams and maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Contact: http://www.actuarialfoundation.org/programs/actuarial/robertson.shtml
2. Men Who Dare, Inc. Scholarship
Award: Varies
Deadline: June 1
Description: This award is available to both males and females in need of financial assistance. Applicants must be undergraduate students or high school seniors enrolled or committed to an accredited college or university in the U.S.
Contact: http://www.menwhodare.org/scholarships.html
3. NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Earl Warren Scholarship
Award: $10,000
Deadline: June 1
Description: Open to college graduates, students in their final year of college, and first year law students. Student must demonstrate a commitment to racial justice and civil rights and have a record of academic achievement.
Contact: http://www.naacpldf.org/earl-warren-scholarship
4. Bruce Lee Foundation Scholarship
Award: Up to $10,000
Deadline: June 10
Description: Open to students aged 16 or older that are or will be attending a college or university in the U.S. Student must be involved in extra-curricular activities and demonstrate service within their community.
Contact: http://bruceleefoundation.org/scholarships/
5. Exercise for Life Athletic Scholarship
Award: $10,000
Deadline: June 10, 2016
Description: Applicant must be a high school senior or undergraduate student that has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Student must demonstrate scholastic ability, athletic ability, character, leadership, service to community, need for financial assistance, and daily compliance to CF therapy. Applicants will compete in a 1.5 mile run, where they will be judged on the basis of time.
Contact: https://www.esiason.org/cf-living/scholarships/exercise-for-life-athletic-scholarship
6. CFA Institute 11 September Memorial Scholarship
Award: Up to $25,000
Deadline: June 15
Description: Open to people who were permanently disabled due to the 9/11 attacks or spouses, domestic partners, or dependent children of someone who was killed, presumed dead, or left permanently disables. Students must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, leadership, and good citizenship.
Contact: https://www.cfainstitute.org/learning/foundation/donate/Pages/11sept_scholarship.aspx
7. CSDIW Native American Scholarship
Award: $5,000
Deadline: June 15
Description: Open to enrolled tribal members that plat to work with a tribe or nation in the field of education or social service. Students should also be accepted in or attending an accredited college or university and preferably entering their junior year.
Contact: http://www.csdiw.org/scholarships.html
8. Chief Manuelito Scholarship for High School Students
Award: $7,000
Deadline: June 25
Description: Open to students that have at least a 3.0 GPA and that scored at least a 21 on the ACT. Applicants are also required to have completed required Navajo Language & Navajo Government courses prior to graduation.
Contact: http://www.onnsfa.org/FundingTypes/ChiefManuelito.aspx
9. Thermo Fisher Scientific Antibody Scholarship
Award: Up to $10,000
Deadline: June 30
Description: Open to students that are or will be enrolled as graduate or undergraduate students at an accredited college or university for the upcoming semester. Applicant must plan on majoring in biology. chemistry, biochemistry, or related life science field.
Contact: https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/life-science/antibodies/thermo-fisher-scientific-antibody-scholarship-program.html
10. TMCF | David J. Stern Sports Scholarship Program
Award: Up to $10,000
Deadline: June 30
Description: Open to college students enrolled full time at a 4 year university that will be sophomores at the beginning of 2016. Students must submit an essay on a topic related to sports.
Contact: http://tmcf.org/our-scholarships/current-scholarships/tmcf-david-j-stern-sports-scholarship-program/1936
For the full list of June 2016 scholarships, click here!